So we just got back from a trip to N’Djamena, the capital of Chad. We went up on Monday and got back yesterday. I got a lot of schoolwork done on Tuesday and Wednesday, but none on the other days, so I’m going to have to catch up some again.
It was my Mom’s birthday while we were up there, so we went out to eat. I had the ‘sausage plate’, which was two sausages and loads of fries. The Symons were up there too and met us at the restaurant that reminded me of one of the best restaurants in Boston back in the day, kind of as a surprise. It was as fun as restaurants ever are… but they gave us menus and made us decide what we wanted to eat, and then we waited like half an hour for our food so ‘fun’ is a relative term .
I got to be secondary technical advisor to the Field Council, which was fun. What exactly does that mean? It means Dad thought they needed to upgrade their computer system and asked me for a second opinion, hehe.
We also were invited to the Hildebrand’s (don’t ask me how to spell that ), they’re a MAF couple and one of the few other Canadian families in the country. We had a mini-thanksgiving celebration since it was about that time and we were Canadians together.
My brother spent most of the trip playing pinball. I spent most of it wishing it were over (partly from missing Chels, partly from missing the Internet in general, and partly because I hate vacations). I went shopping on the last day, when Dad’s meetings were finally over, and that was the only enjoyable shopping trip I’ve ever been on! I think it’s because I was actually buying something…. Anyway, not much else to report except to except that I have some new stuff up on my Flickr.
10 Responses
So did they need a computer system upgrade?
What do you dislike so much about vacations? They’re the best part of the year for me ๐
So what did you buy on the shopping trip?
Talk to you on Monday ๐
Ya, they had an old Compaq running ME, definately in need of an upgrade there.
I like breaks, just not vacations ๐ going places is not something I like unless it’s to visit someone
Bought a pendant for Chels
Sounds like a wonderful trip ๐
And this is a random comment. . .just saying hi, haha. Good job on reworking the blogger setup too – my attempts on making a blogger based photoblog always seemed to come up a little short, lol.
a blogger based photoblog would be a bit difficult to do… image support is still not the greatest ya…
hehe, just thought i would leave a comment sinse i havent left one in ages.
“a comment”
Um, thanks.
sounds like fun! just to let you know, i am an MK in Senegal and i am friends with Darren and trevor Creech. i also know your brother (lol the pinball-player) Daniel Weber. anyways, i just thought i’d say hi!
*cant wait for the pendant*..and it sounds like a nice give almost anything for one rite now..*sigh* is to full and busy…wish i could stop time..get caught up in all good and then lket everyone start im kinda in a depressed mood..dont want ya feelin sorri for im shutting up now..cya later hun..:)
hey baby ๐ good to see you here… especially since I can’t see you anywhere else…
Someone got spam eh? ๐