I have added a lot of new tags and some corrections to the table.
A few people have asked for something like this. A table of Blogger Classic template tags and their new equivalent. This is not entirely possible because it is not a 1:1 relationship, but I will do my best. This is a post for those who were somewhat literate in the old Blogger and want to upgrade. Another post to check out would be Johan’s original post. Great stuff.
If you have a template tag from Blogger Classic that you don’t see here, post it in a comment and I’ll try to add it. This is a work in progress.
<$BlogPageTitle$> | <data:blog.pageTitle/> |
<$BlogMetaData$> | <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/> |
<style type="text/css"> | <b:skin><![CDATA[ |
</style> | ]]></b:skin> |
<$BlogURL$> | <data:blog.homepageUrl/> |
<$BlogDescription$> | |
<Blogger> | <b:section class=’posts’ id=’posts’ showaddelement=’yes’ growth=’vertical’> <b:widget id=’PostWidget’ locked=’false’ title=’Posts’ type=’Blog’> <b:includable id=’main’> <b:loop values=’data:posts’ var=’post’> |
</Blogger> | </b:loop> </b:includable> </b:widget> </b:section> |
<$BlogItemNumber$> | <data:post.id; |
<BlogDateHeader> | <b:if cond=’data:post.dateHeader’> |
</BlogDateHeader> | </b:if> |
<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> | <data:post.dateHeader/> |
<$BlogItemPermalinkUrl$> | <data:post.url/> |
<BlogItemTitle> | <b:if cond=’data:post.title’> |
</BlogItemTitle> | </b:if> |
<$BlogItemTitle$> | <data:post.title/> |
<$BlogItemBody$> | <data:post.body/> |
<$BlogItemAuthorURL$> | <data:blog.homepageUrl/> |
<$BlogItemAuthor$> | <data:post.author/> |
<$BlogItemDateTime$> | <data:post.timestamp/> |
<BlogItemCommentsEnabled> | <b:if cond=’data:post.allowComments’> |
</BlogItemCommentsEnabled> | </b:if> |
<$BlogItemCommentCount$> | <data:post.numComments/> |
<$BlogItemControl$> | <span class=’control’> <b:if cond=’data:post.emailPostUrl’> <span class=’item-action’> <a expr:href=’data:post.emailPostUrl’ title=’Email Post’> <span class=’email-post-icon’> </span> </a> </span> </b:if> <b:include data=’post’ name=’postQuickEdit’/> </span> |
<$BlogEncoding$> | <data:blog.encoding/> |
<$BlogTitle$> | <data:blog.title/> |
<$BlogItemAuthorNickname$> | <data:post.author/> |
<$BlogID$> | |
<$BlogItemUrl$> | <data:post.link/> |
<ItemPage> | <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "item"’> |
</ItemPage> | </b:if> |
<MainOrArchivePage> | <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType != "item"’> |
</MainOrArchivePage> | </b:if> |
<MainPage> | <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "main"’> |
</MainPage> | </b:if> |
<ArchivePage> | <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "archive"’> |
</ArchivePage> | </b:if> |
<$BlogItemCreate$> | <a expr:href=’data:post.addCommentUrl’>Post a Comment</a> |
<BlogItemComments> | <b:loop values=’data:post.comments’ var=’comment’> |
</BlogItemComments> | </b:loop> |
<$BlogCommentNumber$> | <data:comment.id; |
<$BlogCommentDateTime$> | <data:comment.timestamp/> |
<$BlogCommentAuthor$> | <address style="display:inline;font-style:normal;" class="author vcard"> <b:if cond=’data:comment.authorUrl != ""’> <a class="url fn" expr:href=’data:comment.authorUrl’><data:comment.author/></a> <b:else/> <span class="fn"><data:comment.author/></span> </b:if> </address> |
<$BlogCommentBody$> | <data:comment.body/> |
<$BlogCommentDeleteIcon$> | <b:include data=’comment’ name=’commentDeleteIcon’/> |
<$BlogCommentPermalinkURL$> | #c<data:comment.id; |
For how to use this syntax inside tag attributes, please see Johan at Ecmanaut. I would actually recommend that you read that whole post.
11 Responses
Great post! Just the reference needed to convert an old template by hand to the new engine, and so much better suited for the task than Blogger’s reference.
…and neat lightbox comment hack! 🙂
A excellent and yet simple reference table.
You should create a little utility that will convert a Blogger Classic template to Blogger Beta.
Thanks all!
@Trev — a good idea, but perhaps a tad more complicated than it sounds 😉 I should look into that though…
<$BlogDescription$> should map to <data:description/>.
@Roy – unfortunately, <data:description/> is only legal inside a header widget… harder to explain than just a straight convert, which is why it’s not included. You’re right though 🙂
waiting for blogger simple tag (blogger default converting system, not kind of javascript..) to convert ‘new link'(layout) in classic template..
→ they have already ‘previous item’..
→ should have ‘next item’ on classic.. 🙂
From Russia with love!
You are a life saver, Thanks again!
wow you’re a life saver!
super thanks!
Should this text be placed between two blogger posts?
Or replace them?