If there was an ellipse or a shortenend link in the post you saw, then the full content and unshortened link are probably here. Otherwise, sorry, this is the post you just saw.
How can you tell if a link is just a permalink? Well, on microblogging services I use a shortlink ending with /t* at the very end of the post. On long-form services you can probably tell that the title of the link is a complete post instead of just a headline by the way it's written.
Please accept this cute picture as an apology:
2 Responses
Even if you do “everything you are supposed to do”, it happens.
Yeah maybe I could have spent more time making sacrificial offerings to Google and seeing if they would like my email now but I didn’t have time to do that eventually and gave up
I want this to not happen in our new systems
via bsky.app
I self-hosted email for a long time. It eventually has come to the point where I couldn’t because my mail would be dropped into the void mysteriously, especially when running organizational things. The big players would mysteriously drop me too much
via bsky.app