Stephen Paul Weberposted, “Messenger never used XMPP and never federated. They had a half-baked gateway to allow third party clients for awhile as an experiment, but that’s all they ever did.” in reply to @ 2025-19 16:12 UTC
Nobody said it did federate—just like nobody said WhatsApp federated.
When we are discussing this in the context of interoperability and bridges utilizing Matrix protocol, any gateway is functionally identical, just like Free Our Feeds interop with ActivityPub, or WhatsApp and Matrix due to EU DMA.
2 Responses
Hammy Havoc •
Nobody said it did federate—just like nobody said WhatsApp federated.
When we are discussing this in the context of interoperability and bridges utilizing Matrix protocol, any gateway is functionally identical, just like Free Our Feeds interop with ActivityPub, or WhatsApp and Matrix due to EU DMA.
Hammy Havoc •
I was crystal clear on this when I said “and they used to be accessible via any third-party XMPP client.”