If there was an ellipse or a shortenend link in the post you saw, then the full content and unshortened link are probably here. Otherwise, sorry, this is the post you just saw.
How can you tell if a link is just a permalink? Well, on microblogging services I use a shortlink ending with /t* at the very end of the post. On long-form services you can probably tell that the title of the link is a complete post instead of just a headline by the way it's written.
Please accept this cute picture as an apology:
5 Responses
Stephen Paul Weber •
To be fair, Shopify is the only large place I ever worked long enough to get a clear picture on how bad it actually was. (sngpl.ma/t5Ce6)
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Stephen Paul Weber •
Probably? Maybe as companies grow they can’t help but develop a culture of abuse. Having an abusive leader at the top doesn’t help, though. (sngpl.ma/t5Ce5)
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Jesse Rodgers •
Large corporate institutions are so strange. It speaks to a different type of person… i would never ever EVER classify you as that type of person. You are an awesome person and that doesn’t mean people that like it aren’t… but you have to think in a certain way.
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Jesse Rodgers •
In fairness I think you say that about any org larger than 50 people and probably most larger than 30.
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Jacoline Loewen •
Yes. I’m an Intrapreneur and I think and act like an entrepreneur. Drives my compliance a little crazy. 😂
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