
Next Quern stream tonight at 20:30 EST, come solve puzzles or just heckle while I fail!

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Next Quern stream tonight at 20:30 EST, come solve puzzles or just heckle while I fail!

You can now buy domains on one of my TLDs *.isme:

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You can now buy domains on one of my TLDs *.isme:

So, my wife got me a monitor arm. Why have I been using stock stands all my life??

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So, my wife got me a monitor arm. Why have I been using stock stands all my life??

@tpap_ Imagine if we could invent a device that you could pedal from home to work? What could that look like? I think like a bi-cycle???

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RT @tpap_ Imagine if we could invent a device that you could pedal from home to work? What could that look like? I think like a bi-cycle???

@_Mark_Atwood this is very false. Many, many people watch lots of talking heads. Good delivery, and good content, make all the difference.

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@_Mark_Atwood this is very false. Many, many people watch lots of talking heads. Good delivery, and good content, make all the difference.

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