DiSo Actionstream
This is a port of the MT Actionstream plugin to WordPress. It uses the same YAML format, making services easy to add and configure. You can see it in action on my main page.
Settings are under Users > Action Stream. You can add services, preview the stream, or import a list of services from another site.
This plugin works as a sidebar widget. You can also include it in a post/page by using the tag <!--actionstream(USERID/USERNAME)-->
For advanced users, the template tag is:
<?php actionstream_render(); ?>
You can optionally call it like this:
<?php actionstream_render(USERID/USERNAME, MAX_ITEMS, HIDE_USERNAMES(true/false)); ?>
As part of DiSo, the SVN is on Google Code
Developers of other plugins can add their own service types on the fly to be options for the user by using the actionstream_services filter.
This plugin requires PHP5.2.0 or above.
The plugin is also available for Debian users in apt.singpolyma.net
88 Responses
[…] Actionstream: Shows updates from activities across the web. […]
Hi There…this plugin is not working for me. I verified with my webhost i have PHP 5.0.4 and mysql 4.1.20. Are these requirements not robust enough to run this plugin? I am not getting errors, but the Twitter and Magnolia are not updating. Those are the two I have set. Any advice welcome, thanks!
@Anonymous sorry, this plugin requires PHP5.2.0 or higher…
[…] utente che avvengono all’interno dei social media: al momento il progetto ha rilasciato il plugin DiSo Actionstream, un plugin che consente di creare un lifestream personale aggregando dati provenienti da moltissimi […]
Fantastic plugin. Can’t imagine why it’s not in the WordPress repository, because I had zero issues installing and setting it up for my site. Thank you!
Quick question on Brightkite. Where does Action Stream pull it’s data from? Is it from the friendstream.rss feed?
If it’s not in the repository that’s likely because I’ve not submitted it yet.
Brightkite stuff comes from http://brightkite.com/people/{{ident}}/objects.rss
I am experimenting with this great plugin in WP3. But I see just YouTube favorites and not the uploads. And now icons are displayed.
Do you also have the code for the sidebare widget and the css?
I already discoverd the widget for the sidebar.
But I cannot see the icons for the services….
I’m not sure if I implemented YouTube uploads. Let me look into that. I’m hoping to clean up this code a bit and release a new version soon (the 0.5 release is actually quite old compared to the code I run).
If you link me to a public page on the blog running the plugin, I can take a look and see if there is a CSS conflict or something causing images not to be displayed.
Hi I updated the youtube uploads. But the icons not showing. Here is my testblog:
How about vimoe, blip.tv, slideshate.net a.s.o?
It appears that the version of the plugin you have is trying to get the CSS from http://www.hansonexperience.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-diso-actionstream/css/action-streams.css but you don’t have the CSS living there?
I can look into adding support for these services in the next release 🙂
I changed the directoryname but no icons….
You image files (for example http://www.hansonexperience.com/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-diso-actionstream/images/services/youtube.png) seem to be corrupted or something… my browser cannot display them.
uploaded them again an opened them twice. Is ok now. Images are ok now but markup is not nice
Some of your sidebar CSS is clashing with the plugin CSS. As a workaround, you can edit the plugin CSS file to have #sidebar in front of all selectors (assuming you only want to use the plugin in your sidebar, otherwise you can add an extra selector that is the same as the one there but with #sidebar prepended).
Got it right now with the icons.
But I see a problem with Internet Explorer. It cannot handle the grouping of the same services (tweets aso) to “..and 7 more” and then does not display the service at all.
How can I handle that?
Chrome is working like a charm and Firefox has also no problems with it.
Which version of Internet Explorer? Which version of Windows? The grouping JavaScript seems to be working fine in other browsers… Is IE giving you a specific error message?
WIndows XP and IE 7 The javscript is working fine in FF and chrome. No specific error. First you see all the items with the sentence änd 7 more. After that the sentence is gone and also the items which should be grouped. So then you see dates which are all empty.
You can test it here:
And also IE 8 is not working with the script I tested on my desktop
Does the grouping on my homepage work for you in those browsers?
Your homepage has no problem with IE
strange also the action stream panel in wordpress does not show the grouping when logged in….
If I use how can I set the max items? Now it shows 10.
The I can disabel execphp script. Perhaps that’s not working with this plugin
Max items is a setting on the widget, or the second parameter to the actionstream_render function call
I deactivated all plugins with java. Still not working in the widget and on the page.
How did you get it going on your homepage? There it is working in IE.
As I’ve said, my code is quite a bit newer that the released code until the next release (which I hope is soon). Your code may be the old hand-rolled JavaScript, and for all I know that never worked in IE (I don’t really test in IE for my personal stuff) — the Javascript for that did get rewritten at some point, I don’t recall if that was before or after the last release.
ah it never worked. Did not know that. A pitty. The plugin is marvellous but not working in IE is not an option.
Could you publish your code so that we could use it?
thx for your great work!!
implemented your awesome plugin on:
A question: is it possible to add the list of services in a page or post wit a kind of tag?
I have released version 1.0 of the plugin.
Just started using your plugin after having moved from MT to WordPress and it is working very well for me.
What are the possibilities of moving the “Collapse similar items” to be service specific? Would like for stuff such as last.fm to be collapsed but it would be nice for links to my posts to stay ungrouped.
Either way, thanks for porting this over. I tried several of the lifestream plugins and either they just didn’t work the way I wanted them or were only useful on the sidebar.
I could theoretically make the “collapse similar items” service specific. What would the UI for that on the admin panel look like? Or would making it something like a param to the function without UI be ok for you? (This seems like a pretty advanced user request). If you can, peek at the code and see if you can hack it in. Otherwise I’ll try to get to this sometime.
Making it a parameter would probably work well. Easy enough to edit the templates or the services.yaml for that matter.
I will take a look at the code. I know I had it working that way on my MT site a couple of years ago before I took it down but don’t remember what I did.
One more quick question. All of my activity seems to be getting set at GMT rather than local time. I do have my time zone set correctly in the WP config for UTC-5. Any thoughts? I have tried using the manual offset as well as picking the city for EST (New York).
Thanks a lot for this plugin but I have a big issue, perhaps it does not work on a multisite install, or? I am the superadmin of the families wordpress but in my actionstream my husbands bambuser stuff gets published. I am doing something wrong or? Thankful for any help.
You have set up an actionstream on your account and he has set up a separate one on his account but all his stuff is showing up in your actionstream? I have not tested on MU, but would like to help get it working. Is this the page you have it installed on: http://carina.gokboet.nu/elsewhere/ ?
Jupp it is on the elswehere page, I had to delete the 1.0 plugin and reinstalled the .5 one so that is what is installed as the 1.0 in some way conflicted with something else and went totally crazy 🙂