DiSo Profile
This plugin includes a number of functions having to do with extending user profiles.
First off, when a new user registers (especially via OpenID, if you use WP-OpenID) the plugin tries to automatically add some information about them (name, avatar, etc) if it can be discovered using web standards (such as XFN and hCard).
The plugin also adds a lot more profile fields to the user profile page and a tab for permissions. There is also a profile preview generated on the edit page.
Generating a profile to display to users is easy. Just add <!--diso_profile(USERID/USERNAME)-->
to a page or add <?php echo diso_profile('USERID/USERNAME'); ?>
to your template. The profile is marked up with web standards (hCard and rel=me) and it only displays fields to those who are allowed to see them (according to permissions settings and the blog’s blogroll).
The plugin also has a sidebar widget, for displaying your profile in the sidebar.
There is also an easy-to-use sidebar widget that displays avatars (and optionally names) of recently visiting users.
6 Responses
Great promise here with DiSo. Earlier I I’M’d you about the Profile plugin. Not sure I understand how to install correctly. I dropped the code into a page, for example, but the fields would not display (other than the header “Contact Information”. I have full admin rights so permissions wouldn’t be an issue. Is there a more detailed readme with the plugin somewhere?
RE: Scot – is there any profile data in the WordPress profile for the user ID you passed to the template tag? What version of WordPress/PHP are you on?
[…] conversation with Stephen Paul Weber, an active DiSo plugin developer, on his experience with the DiSo profile plugin. For those of you unfamiliar with this series of posts, the idea is to create blog-length […]
Wouldn’t it be better if the permissions for DiSo Profile defaulted to the exact opposite of “public”?
Currently the closest option for “hide from everyone” is “custom” with no selections, correct?
@Rian I guess the assumption was that you wouldn’t fill information out in a profile and then put that profile on a public site if you didn’t want anyone to be able to see it. Yes, custom with everything off is the same as private – would you like an actual ‘private’ setting?
[…] fonte dei profili utente il progetto ha rilasciato il plugin DiSo Profile, un plugin che estende i profili standard di un blog aggiungendo altre informazioni (foto, […]