
Archive for May, 2006

Archive for May, 2006

Windows XP Recovery Console

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Well this is a bit of a different-style post for me, but this discovery struck me as extremely useful and so I thought I’d share it with any of my readers who may not have seen it yet.

On the transition to Windows XP I was horrified to discover that the ’emergency boot disk’ that XP creates cannot read NTFS partitions. It boots to MSDOS7.0 and then if your computer is NTFS you can do nothing. This essentially destroyed any chance of accessing your data if you could not boot to Windows. Many times during computer repair this was a hindrance and either elaborate workarounds had to be devised, or I fell back to the cure-all ‘reformat and reinstall’.

Yesterday I tried to get cheap Excel, but discovered an incredibly useful tool from Microsoft in an incredibly obvious place: the Windows XP install CD. If you boot from the CD and press ‘R’ at the ‘Welcome to Setup’ screen you are taken to the Windows XP Recovery Console. This is exactly what I had been looking for for so long: a reformulation of MSDOS that can access NTFS partitions! I was able to use it to run CHKDSK (scandisk seems to be out) and fix the minor problem the drive had — saving potentially hours of work to fix the problem any other way. There are even some XP-centric commands for dealing with user accounts etc.

What this does not help is users of many preinstalled systems, especially laptops. Most (if not all) of the ‘restore disks’ sent with such systems do not have the Recovery Console. However, techies who have a copy of the install disks can use their copy to run the Recovery Console on another person’s system. No activation procedure ๐Ÿ˜‰ Even XP Professional install disks’ Console will work just fine with XP Home systems ๐Ÿ™‚

Google AJAX

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Google AJAX is an interface for Google search that allows you to get the search results AJAX-style. This can be really handy when doing a series of quick searches. Better yet, however, is the widget that comes with it. Simply cut-and-paste the given code into your blog sidebar and you have inline Google search power — the results are displayed right in your sidebar! You can also (optionally) specify a URL to restrict the search to, thus creating a widget to do an AJAX-style search on your own site using the power of Google right from your sidebar! You can see an example of this in my own sidebar. The script is built using the power of YubNub.


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So I’m almost done school YAY! didn’t do too well on my final chem exam… hope I pass :S *sigh* but hey, let’s not let that get me down! ๐Ÿ˜‰ nothing I can do about it anyway. In a few short weeks I should be done all my schoolwork… if I don’t procrastinate through it all ;P Been doing a lot of code lately to keep myself busy. Chels has like two months left of grounding (don’t remind me!) but I’m making it ok — one day at a time ๐Ÿ˜‰ uhh *thinks* the pool is open again! ๐Ÿ˜€ they had closed it to drain+clean+repaint it, but they’re done so we can go again, so that’s cool. Ah, right, the ‘situation’ here, I should mention that. As of right now the official word is that the rebels are licking their wounds in Soudan and the election is tomorrow. Word on the street is that they’ve regrouped and are ‘moving south’ — which means to Sahr and then here. The military in town are prepping just in case. Should be interesting, hehe. Aaaand, nothing much else happening so I’ll end this post for now ๐Ÿ˜‰