
Archive for August, 2006

Archive for August, 2006

YubNub LocationBar 0.14

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I have updated my YubNub LocationBar FireFox Extension. There was a minor glitch that caused typing local IPs (for router setup, etc) to be interpreted as YubNub commands. This has been fixed. I have also added a new feature. If you have any FireFox keyword ‘quick search’ bookmarks defined, these now work, and are considered a higher precedence than YubNub commands. Thus if you have a FireFox keyword bookmark defined for ‘g’ that does something other than Google search, that will be done when you type ‘g blah’ instead of using YubNub’s command.


Comment Feeds Without Well-formedness

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In response to the popular confusion about XML well-formedness and a recent nudgeing by Greg, I have upgraded Blogger Recent Comments. People who have been there before will note that there is now one less instruction — XML well-formedness is no longer necessary! I have tested this with a Blogger template on which I purposely broke well-formedness and the comments still came through fine! Originally introduced on this blog, Blogger Recent Comments is a Ning app that can automatially generate RSS, JavaScript, and JSON feeds of all comments on your blog. Setup is now just three easy steps!