Whoever first came up with the idea of WebOS was a genius. Somehow I doubt it started with Google OS, but my own interest certainly started there.
Soon there was YubNub, the command line for the web. A flexible, open command-line system for the Internet that is practical as well as cool. A backbone kind of application while also being immediately useful to users.
Webtops started popping up, such as those provided by 30boxes and Goowy. They allow you to integrate the major services you use into one convenient location, sort of like an extension of the idea behind Google IG, BoxtheWeb, and others.
Now we have at least two genuine WebOS: YouOS and EyeOS. Both provide their own ‘standard’ way to code apps, with APIs etc to help in GUI and back end building. YouOS allows developers to code and share apps on the public server, as well as allowing users to install these apps. EyeOS requires you set up your own server to install apps, but allows apps to be distributed in an offline format. There are distinct pros and cons to both, and to the APIs provided by both.
WebOS is where it’s at, with YubNub, YouOS, and EyeOS. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. However, if we want to see true Web 2.0 here we must not repeat the mistake that was made with offline OS. WebOS communities/developers must work together for standards and interoperability, etc. Each will be so much better if it works with the strength of the others.
3 Responses
how about Orca ? 😉
No Firefox support yet
That says it all for why I didn’t mention Orca 😉 Besides, I can’t write a post about how websites should work together and then mention one that doesn’t even work with the major browsers 😉
I will probably do another post on this soon though, about the Browser/normal OS in all of this, and some other things. This is really a big area of interest for me right now.
The eXo Platform Inc has introduced at JavaPolis its next Portal and ECM generation (both in their 2.0 alpha) that aims to use AJAX UI and Java backend (Portlet API and JCR) to simulate an true Web Operating System that fits the Enterprise needs.
People can still create dynamic layout with an enhanced drag and drop but pages can also have a true desktop page a la Mac OS. Default and Mac skins are available, a Vista one is on the way.
The entire ECM functionnalities are shown in a real File explorer that will make the ECM use much easier and a natural choice for people.
Online demo:
(login as exoadmin/exo)