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How can you tell if a link is just a permalink? Well, on microblogging services I use a shortlink ending with /t* at the very end of the post. On long-form services you can probably tell that the title of the link is a complete post instead of just a headline by the way it's written.
Please accept this cute picture as an apology:
4 Responses
Christine Lemmer-Webber •
Petnames solve a different problem for sure. *Petname systems* integrate both problems. Handbrake can be pulled in as a naming hub just as DNS can, and same as you and I can.
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Christine Lemmer-Webber •
Handshake might avoid ICANN, but it still reintroduces most of the problems I think. But I don’t know what the upgrade path is. Could you link?
(The “naming hubs” and edge names part of the Petname Systems doc I linked provides an upgrade path approach also.)
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Stephen Paul Weber •
Handshake maintains compatibility with existing DNS and has a way for existing TLD to move one at a time. Pet names solve a differet problem, right? They cannot solve first contact / discovery. (sngpl.ma/t5G_1)
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