
Stephen Paul Weber posted, “This morning’s commute: @CityKitchener’s Spur Line Trail still impassable from Marshall to Ferdinand.@ 2016-347 14:13 UTC

21 Responses

Ted Parkinson

The Spur Line will eventually be the responsibility of the city, but it is currently still under the mandate of the contractor. So things like snow clearance are caught in limbo. You should complain to your city councillor. When we (mhbpna) complained about the graffiti it took our own city ByLaw officer a day of playing phone tag and talking with people at the regional level to finally get someone to clean it up. And now the graffiti is back.


Steph Smith

Somebody else from the city just gave me a call-back, and confirmed that maintenance on the trail is their responsibility, but Kitchener Operations Facility has decided not to do any winter maintenance on the Spur Line. Complaints to our city councillor it is, then.


Rob Adlers

The tweets got a response from Sarah Marsh (our councilor). She said the SpurLine trail will be cleaned by the city even while the negotiations with the region are in progress. I’m not sure if there were any issues with the Waterloo side of things.


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