All the email addresses we keep with our ISP in Canada died yesterday. There was a billing issue and all our services got turned off until we called in to resolve it. My dad has had the same address with that company since the invention of email, and everyone knows it. So he got on the phone, long distance to Canada to straighten it out. It seems they wanted to bill us for an actual internet package instead of just the email addresses and webspace. Anyway, he got it sorted out and the addresses are all re-activated, but our webspace is still dead. Hope to get that sorted out soon.
Tags: Personal
For those wondering what all the garbage comments are on the previous post, it was Trev and I trying to get a comments feed for my blog. We got it working (using mailbucket) and for those of you who use RSS it is now available under the ‘Syndicate’ header in the sidebar. Pairing this feed with feeddigest I have inserted a ‘Recent Comments’ section into the sidebar on the main page, replacing the ‘Recent Posts’ section (since on the main page you’re seeing recent posts anyway). On the other pages the ‘Recent Posts’ section shows up again. Currently only the five most recent comments show up in the sidebar, but I would like feedback as to how many is useful. Clicking on one of the links will take you to a page with the full text of the comment, including a link to the post it was put on so you can reply.
Tags : Comments MailBucket Feed Digest
This is my first post after having moved from I will keep the old site active for archiving purposes. This site has a completely different look and feel, as well as having no categories, but I did not think the categories a great loss to my personal blog. My technical blog will likely remain on for the forseeable future, as categories are more important there. I would really like comments on what you think of this whole site design/layout
Tags : General