coComment has added native JSONP support. They seem to have worked out the bugs from their first implementation and I have reworked the code for my sidebar to use their system. Out of this has come two generic coCo JSON functions. One, coco_flat, takes their nested group-comments-by-article format and flattens it to one-element-per-comment with all the article and comment attributes intact:
function coco_flat(coco) {
var comments = [];
for(var i=0; i<coco.length; i++) {
for(var i2=0; i2<coco[i].comments.length; i2++) {
}//end for cocommentResultSet[i].comments
}//end for cocommentResultSet
return comments;
}//end function coco_flat
The other, coco_compare, is for use in sorting so flattened results by date:
function coco_compare(a,b) {
if(< return -1;
if(> return 1;
return 0;
}//end function coco_compare
To use this function to sort a flattened array of coComment data oldest to newest call array.sort(coco_compare), and to sort by newest to oldest also call array.reverse() as well.
Here is an example piece of code putting together all that is above, an incidentally what I am using in my sidebar: