I am pleased to announce version 0.2 of my WordPress Actionstream plugin!
It can be downloaded from the normal place.
New this release:
- Better microformats support in the output
- Some architecture improvements and bug fixes
- There is now a sanity check for zero items or less items than requested
- Posts on the host blog are now added to the actionstream
- There is a well defined way to add stream items (say, from another plugin). Just create an array with the fields you need (be sure to specify identifier and created_on – GUID and unix time of publish, respectively) – usually includes title and url. Then instantiate an object of class ActionStreamItem and save in like so:
(new ActionStreamItem($array_data, 'service', 'data_type', $user_id))->save();
- There is now a hook for other plugins to add available services. Example:
actionstream_service_register('feed', array( 'name' => 'Feed', 'url' => '%s' ), array( 'entries' => array( 'html_form' => '[_1] posted <a href="[_2]" rel="bookmark" class="entry-title">[_3]</a>', 'html_fields' => array('url', 'title'), 'url' => '{{ident}}', ) ));
3 Responses
SPW, how do I call the out put in the WP template code? Not immediately seeing a reference to it. Thanks!
Ah, so sorry. The template tag is:
<?php actionstream_render(); ?>
You can optionally call it like this:
<?php actionstream_render(USERID, MAX_ITEMS, HIDE_USERNAMES(true/false)); ?>
[…] 18, 2008: Stephen released v0.2 of the plugin. Download […]