
Archive of "Wordpress"

Archive for the "Wordpress" Category

DiSo Actionstream Plugin 1.0

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Version 1.0 of the DiSo Actionstream plugin for WordPress has finally been released! The upgrade for this version may be a little rough, because the entire data storage model has changed since the last release. Let me know if you have any trouble!

For Debian users, there is a wordpress-diso-actionstream package in my APT repository.

Picoformats Plugin Update

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I’ve made some large updates to my picoformats plugin for WordPress (picoformats also sometimes known as microsyntax).

  • Processing of comments has been removed (at least for now)
  • Both trackbacks and pingbacks are sent for @ replies
  • Trackbacks and pingbacks are sent for URLs in in-reply-to custom fields.
  • URLs are auto-linked
  • More stable regex, etc for @ reply/#hastag detection with some help from
  • support for starting a post’s content with “reply URL”, “reply #URL”, “#URL”, “reply post-ID”, “reply #post-ID”, or “#post-ID” and having in-reply-to custom field added automatically (and the reply bit at the beginning of the content snipped off).

Download the plugin

Steps to tweeting from own site

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I am writing my own stuff, borrowing heavily from

  1. Store wp-diso-actionstream content as WordPress posts (DONE, commited to SVN)
  2. Tweak theme to display actionstream items nice for single.php (DONE)
  3. Hack local WordPress core to display posts of all types when you visit the permalink (DONE, see
  4. Make reversible URL shortener. (DONE,
  5. Update Picoformats (Microsyntax) plugin to support URL autolinking and generally be better (IN PROGRESS DONE, borrowing from’s auto_link)
  6. Implement Twitter API for blogs (IN PROGRESS DONE)
  7. Write XMPP bot to talk to any Twitter-compatible API (NOT STARTED found one)
  8. Write plugin to push new local tweets out to Twitter-compatible APIs (NOT STARTED)

Bonus points:

  • Write plugin to pull tweets from Twitter-compatible APIs locally for viewing (“following”)(DONE)
  • Following-type plugin based on wp-diso-actionstream (to follow arbitrary public streams)
  • PuSH outbound for blog feeds and wp-diso-actionstream feeds (DONE, using
  • PuSH inbound for wp-diso-actionstream
in reply to

rel=first/last for WordPress

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In line with my last post I have also created a plugin that adds <link> tags to your <head> section on appropriate pages for rel=first and rel=last, attributes that allow browsers and others to easily discover the first and last page in a set of pages.

The plugin also provides utility functions for getting this information so that you can add human-visible <a> tags, if you prefer.

Visit the plugin page

rel=prev/next for WordPress

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Christopher Vollick pointed out to me yesterday that my site was not supporting rel=next and rel=prev. For those who don’t know, these rel attributes have been with HTML since HTML3, and they allow you to easily use a bookmarklet or extension or whatever you want to go to the next/previous page in a set of pages (like blogs archives). This is a really great thing, and I was a bit suprised WordPress doesn’t support it by default.

This can partly be implemented with a plugin, but unfortunately to fully implement it I needed to create a 3 line patch to core. I have uploaded the tiny plugin and the patch to a gist so you can download them and install/apply to get these great features on your site!