
Archive of "Firefox"

Archive for the "Firefox" Category

YubNub LocationBar 0.20

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I have released version 0.20 of the YubNub LocationBar Firefox Extension.  This version incorporates some features and code from RubNub.  The next version of this extension will likely be a merger with RubNub (of both features, code, and branding).

Microsummaries in Blogger

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I recently learned of the Microsummaries feature of Firefox 2.0 from Aditya.

Basically, when you bookmark a site that supports it there is an option to have Firefox automatically pull in the title of the most recent article (or similar) as the title/label on the bookmark. Like simplified Live Bookmarks. So I created a quick hack to let us generate these with Blogger. If you have marked up your blog with hAtom put this in your <head> section:

<link expr:href='";amp;class=entry-title&amp;amp;url=" + data:blog.homepageUrl + "&amp;amp;_microsummary"' rel='microsummary' />

Otherwise use this code, which should work for 90% of new Blogger blogs:

<link expr:href='";amp;class=post-title&amp;amp;url=" + data:blog.homepageUrl + "&amp;amp;_microsummary"' rel='microsummary' />

YubNub LocationBar 0.17

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I have updated my YubNub Firefox Extension to fix some URL resolution bugs.

YubNub LocationBar 0.16

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Version 0.16 of my YubNub LocationBar Firefox Extension has been released. There is now support for non-standard URLs (such as those from nic.d. Arrow-key history navigation broke some default Firefox features, so it is now Ctrl+Arrow Key. A hackish integration with Firefox auto-complete history has also been coded. Type y: before a command to have the auto-complete work (or just to force it into YubNub mode).

YubNub LocationBar 0.15

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I have released version 0.15 of my YubNub LocationBar Firefox Extension. There are some minor changes to the look and feel (the location bar shows the YubNub URL and icon while processing, and the YubNub icon shows on blank pages). It also extends the local firefox keyword bookmarks to allow for switches. If switches are added to the bookmark’s URL (using YubNub ${name} syntax), then the bookmark will accept switches according to normal YubNub syntax.

Update: I forgot to mention — it also stores up to 50 commands from your command history between sessions now.