
Personal Blog

Archive for the "Personal" Category

Life is boring, Spice it up!

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Yes, life has again become routine. School/IM in the mornings, programming/chat in the afternoons, and maybe some time with the kids on the station in there somewhere. Nothing much interesting happening. I had another person contact me today about mNEWS that wants to use it, so that’s kewl. Maybe with the donation links at the bottom of all these mNEWS emails I’ll get enough donations to pay for my hosting account . Found an interesting site the other day. is basically a place where thinkers put their ideas in the hopes that implementors will be interested. Kinda a kewl idea.


Personal Update

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Well it’s been quite awhile since my last proper update. So here’s the lowdown on what’s happening with me:

  • Power : is back up. The PrintShop is running regularly again and I have gone back to using my famously buggy desktop. This means you should all start seeing me at your blogs again, since I have my RSS reader over there.
  • School : started. I am a good ways into my math and resonably into Chemistry and English. Physics and Social Studies I have barely started yet, because my books aren’t here. They are supposed to be coming mid-September. Please pray for their arrival.
  • Palmview : running, me teaching. They have five students this year: my sister, Janelle Hoyt, Rebecca Symons (3 in grade 8), Pascal Cross (1 in grade 6), and Joseph Symons (forgive me for not remembering his grade). I am teaching a computer class (Introduction to Microsoft Office) every Friday. Please pray that I teach effectively and the kids learn
  • Projects : Amateur Writerz, Open Portal, and mNEWS. As always I continue on as managing editor / webdesigner for Amateur Writerz. I have also recently started an opensource web portal project. Detail can be found on the project wiki or at my tech blog. On top of this I am running a service that I have dubbed mNEWS in which I use some of my programming skills and the fact that I have webhosting space to help missionaries send out their newsletters, especially needed as one of the missions here in Chad that used to offer a similar service to their missionaries has cancelled it.


Flickr Updated

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We had a ‘photo-shoot’ here yesterday and I have uploaded some of the better shots to my flickr. Comment there or here… it’ll have to be here if you don’t have a flickr account (unfortunately ).

Mostly Back

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Well I’m back… mostly. Palmview started up again, so they’re running the generator in the mornings, just not as much as normal yet. I’ve got a lot of stuff I want to do to AWriterz when I’m off school, which I’ve also started already. Had a huge rainstorm today that knocked out our sat system for a good while, but it’s dying down now. I know we really need the rain… but I wanna be online! Not much else happening around here… school, awriterz development, me being mostly back… so I’ll talk to those of you I see online!

The Pictures You Find…

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WelcomeImage left – Welcome in Chinese… well, I can’t read Chinese, so I’m trustig Ian that’s what it says… I got it from him awhile back to add chinese to the many languages I have welcome in on my home page. I haven’t got around to it yet… and I just found the picture again and went ‘oh yeah!’.

Image right – NSAers will recognise it from my rez. It’s a piece of ‘artwork’ i created eons ago by drastically distorting an already bad picture of myself. Why I still have it is beyond me… maybe I thought it was worth keeping? Who knows, I’ll keep it until I decide ;P
Image left again – more of my lovely boredom in an image editor ;P again, rather old, few people have even seen this image ;P

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