I need a feed reader that recognises different reading preferences for different feeds.
Let me back up.
There are two kinds of feeds — feeds of content (blogs) and feeds of notifications (calendars, del.icio.us popular, digg, forums). The first kind you want to read all of — even if I miss checking my feeds for awhile I want to see what the blogs I read said. I won’t care tomorrow what was on del.icio.us popular today, there’ll be 100 new items!
Google Reader does a great job on the first kind of feed, holding content until I read it. Firefox’s LiveBookmarks does a good job on the second kind, showing only current content. What we need is a nice interface for both.
I’ve heard the new Bloglines might… perhaps I’ll check it out.
Part of the big buzz surrounding Web 2.0 has been pull alerts as opposed to push alerts.
Push alerts / messages – I send you a message. This is how email and IM work. I choose when, where, and how the message is sent and largely control how you receive it. I send an email, you get it in your inbox.
Pull alerts / messages – I send a message which may (or may not) be intended for you primarily. You decide when, where, how, and IF you receive it. This most common form of this is RSS/ATOM feeds. I publish to my blog / Twitter / whatever and you subscribe to me if you want to. You can receive alerts via email, IM, Xanga, Facebook, Google Reader, BoxtheWeb, Sage, or a myriad of other options.
Some have said that push alerts are dying.
This makes some sense. When I post on a forum, I don’t want to have their system email me every time there is a reply (email/push). What I really want is to have easy access to a list of posts replying to mine to look over (RSS/pull).
However, this can go a bit too far. Pull IM does exist to some extent, but it defeats the purpose. I want you to see something NOW, it’s URGENT, INSTANT. Pull does not fit this.
Push alert systems, however, just refuse to die! Facebook/Myspace messages/wall posts. Blog comments. New friend-group messaging systems like Pownce. Push is extremely popular.
The masses are rarely right, but perhaps we shouldn’t brush off push alerting altogether at this point.
So if you read any blog besides mine (and surely you do) you’ve by now head of Yahoo’s Pipes application. Mashups without programming, and a team that’s promising more and better things to come.
One of the immediate uses to the Blogger community occurred to virtually all hackers at once. Sorting the feeds. This has never been a problem for me (I screen-scrape my feed via hAtom), but for others the fact that Blogger feeds sort by when they were updated is annoying.
Aditya suggested creating individual pipes, but I wrote a sorting pipe, as did Ramani (who beat me to blogging about it and has a nice how-to written). Ramani discovered an issue that causes this solution to be a bit buggy just yet. It has to do with ATOM being stupid and RSS 2.0 being cool (yes, that’s a partisan statement and not entirely true
). Basically the publishing date is not being copied from the ATOM format to the RSS format correctly. Vote on Ramani’s suggestion to get this fixed. I also discovered a less critical issue with the UI that may confuse some less geeky users. Please vote on my suggestion to get that fixed.
I also wrote a pipe for mixing together Google Calendars (for those of us who track events from more than one) into a nice, sorted feed of upcoming events. The email alerts system provided by Y! is dumb though, at least for this application. I want the next 5 events emailed to me every day… likely gonna have to write my own emailer for that…
JSON (and particularly JSONP) is one of the most useful data formats for hackers. For quite some time we have had to do all sorts of hackish things to transform the data available from Google services to JSON(P). No longer.
Blogger, Google Calendar, and Google Base now all support JSONP. This was announced on Blogger Buzz and is perhaps one of the greatest advances in hackability in (at least recent) Google history.
On top of this, SearchMash (a Google susiduary) now offers JSON feeds of Google’s Web, Images, Blog, and Video searches. For JSONP a proxy service is required, but this still allows for getting Google’s data out where we can hack with it.
One thing that this will mean very soon is an upgrade to peek-a-boo for BETA that makes use of this and will definately be faster.
Google Calendar‘s feeds are not the most useful in the world. They are sorted by edit date instead of when they’re happening, and they’re only available in ATOM.
No longer. Using the extended feed information Google tacks into their calendar feed it is possible to create a clean, sorted feed with the start date as the pubDate. Just go to the Google Calendar Feed Cleaner and enter the URL to your calendar’s feed, select the format you want (XHTML for testing, RSS 2.0, or JSON(P) ), and enter the max items to be in the results (default 5). You will get a nice, clean feed of your Google Calendar data.