I use and recommend your WordPress plug-in to Debian package builder and repository as I find it the most Debian-style way available to install the plug-ins. Lately it seems that the update of existing packages stopped working.
I also checked your Github repos to see if I could find the source and help but I did not find the code for the package builder there. That is an impressive collection of repositories!
3 Responses
Hi Stephen,
I use and recommend your WordPress plug-in to Debian package builder and repository as I find it the most Debian-style way available to install the plug-ins. Lately it seems that the update of existing packages stopped working.
– polylang
– simple-image-sizes
– simple-301-redirects
Could you please take a look?
Thanks and best regards,
PS: recommendation of your repo on my website https://wiki.ursus-minor.de/wordpress#adding_plugins_-_debian_style
Thanks for the heads-up on this. It should be fixed now.
Hi Stephen,
sorry to bother you again, it seems like the Debian WordPress package builder can’t update packages again.
– crop-thumbnails
– polylang
– simple-image-sizes
I also checked your Github repos to see if I could find the source and help but I did not find the code for the package builder there. That is an impressive collection of repositories!
Best regards,