I’ve made some large updates to my picoformats plugin for WordPress (picoformats also sometimes known as microsyntax).
- Processing of comments has been removed (at least for now)
- Both trackbacks and pingbacks are sent for @ replies
- Trackbacks and pingbacks are sent for URLs in in-reply-to custom fields.
- URLs are auto-linked
- More stable regex, etc for @ reply/#hastag detection with some help from @tantek.com
- support for starting a post’s content with “reply URL”, “reply #URL”, “#URL”, “reply post-ID”, “reply #post-ID”, or “#post-ID” and having in-reply-to custom field added automatically (and the reply bit at the beginning of the content snipped off).
Download the plugin
I am writing my own stuff, borrowing heavily from @tantek.com
- Store wp-diso-actionstream content as WordPress posts (DONE, commited to SVN)
- Tweak theme to display actionstream items nice for single.php (DONE)
- Hack local WordPress core to display posts of all types when you visit the permalink (DONE, see https://singpolyma.net/2010/01/the-freeallmusic-com-non-us-landing-page-is-great-short-and-to-the-point/)
- Make reversible URL shortener. (DONE, http://sngpl.ma/t433)
- Update Picoformats (Microsyntax) plugin to support URL autolinking and generally be better (
IN PROGRESS DONE, borrowing from @tantek.com’s auto_link)
- Implement Twitter API for wordpress.org blogs (
- Write XMPP bot to talk to any Twitter-compatible API (
NOT STARTED found one)
- Write plugin to push new local tweets out to Twitter-compatible APIs (NOT STARTED)
Bonus points:
- Write plugin to pull tweets from Twitter-compatible APIs locally for viewing (“following”)(DONE)
- Following-type plugin based on wp-diso-actionstream (to follow arbitrary public streams)
- PuSH outbound for blog feeds and wp-diso-actionstream feeds (DONE, using http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pubsubhubbub/)
- PuSH inbound for wp-diso-actionstream
in reply to