Well, not really. ‘Helper’ would be a better word. You upload an old-style template to the form and it translates most tags to the new syntax. It does not force your template to be well-formed (which is required), nor does it properly do attributes with expr: It is meant as a help for converting, not an auto-converter.
Note : especially for crufty or very-much-hacked templates (like mine was) I recommend re-engineering from scratch, from a default Blogger template, or from one of my templates. It is almost easier, and better for you in the long run.
Blogger Classic to New Blogger Template Conversion Helper
I have added a lot of new tags and some corrections to the table.
A few people have asked for something like this. A table of Blogger Classic template tags and their new equivalent. This is not entirely possible because it is not a 1:1 relationship, but I will do my best. This is a post for those who were somewhat literate in the old Blogger and want to upgrade. Another post to check out would be Johan’s original post. Great stuff.
If you have a template tag from Blogger Classic that you don’t see here, post it in a comment and I’ll try to add it. This is a work in progress.
<$BlogPageTitle$> |
<data:blog.pageTitle/> |
<$BlogMetaData$> |
<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/> |
<style type="text/css"> |
<b:skin><![CDATA[ |
</style> |
]]></b:skin> |
<$BlogURL$> |
<data:blog.homepageUrl/> |
<$BlogDescription$> |
<Blogger> |
<b:section class=’posts’ id=’posts’ showaddelement=’yes’ growth=’vertical’>
<b:widget id=’PostWidget’ locked=’false’ title=’Posts’ type=’Blog’>
<b:includable id=’main’>
<b:loop values=’data:posts’ var=’post’> |
</Blogger> |
</b:section> |
<$BlogItemNumber$> |
<data:post.id; |
<BlogDateHeader> |
<b:if cond=’data:post.dateHeader’> |
</BlogDateHeader> |
</b:if> |
<$BlogDateHeaderDate$> |
<data:post.dateHeader/> |
<$BlogItemPermalinkUrl$> |
<data:post.url/> |
<BlogItemTitle> |
<b:if cond=’data:post.title’> |
</BlogItemTitle> |
</b:if> |
<$BlogItemTitle$> |
<data:post.title/> |
<$BlogItemBody$> |
<data:post.body/> |
<$BlogItemAuthorURL$> |
<data:blog.homepageUrl/> |
<$BlogItemAuthor$> |
<data:post.author/> |
<$BlogItemDateTime$> |
<data:post.timestamp/> |
<BlogItemCommentsEnabled> |
<b:if cond=’data:post.allowComments’> |
</BlogItemCommentsEnabled> |
</b:if> |
<$BlogItemCommentCount$> |
<data:post.numComments/> |
<$BlogItemControl$> |
<span class=’control’>
<b:if cond=’data:post.emailPostUrl’>
<span class=’item-action’>
<a expr:href=’data:post.emailPostUrl’ title=’Email Post’>
<span class=’email-post-icon’> </span>
<b:include data=’post’ name=’postQuickEdit’/>
</span> |
<$BlogEncoding$> |
<data:blog.encoding/> |
<$BlogTitle$> |
<data:blog.title/> |
<$BlogItemAuthorNickname$> |
<data:post.author/> |
<$BlogID$> |
<$BlogItemUrl$> |
<data:post.link/> |
<ItemPage> |
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "item"’> |
</ItemPage> |
</b:if> |
<MainOrArchivePage> |
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType != "item"’> |
</MainOrArchivePage> |
</b:if> |
<MainPage> |
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "main"’> |
</MainPage> |
</b:if> |
<ArchivePage> |
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "archive"’> |
</ArchivePage> |
</b:if> |
<$BlogItemCreate$> |
<a expr:href=’data:post.addCommentUrl’>Post a Comment</a> |
<BlogItemComments> |
<b:loop values=’data:post.comments’ var=’comment’> |
</BlogItemComments> |
</b:loop> |
<$BlogCommentNumber$> |
<data:comment.id; |
<$BlogCommentDateTime$> |
<data:comment.timestamp/> |
<$BlogCommentAuthor$> |
<address style="display:inline;font-style:normal;" class="author vcard">
<b:if cond=’data:comment.authorUrl != ""’>
<a class="url fn" expr:href=’data:comment.authorUrl’><data:comment.author/></a>
<span class="fn"><data:comment.author/></span>
</address> |
<$BlogCommentBody$> |
<data:comment.body/> |
<$BlogCommentDeleteIcon$> |
<b:include data=’comment’ name=’commentDeleteIcon’/> |
<$BlogCommentPermalinkURL$> |
#c<data:comment.id; |
For how to use this syntax inside tag attributes, please see Johan at Ecmanaut. I would actually recommend that you read that whole post.
I have updated my Lightbox Comment Form (
) so that it jumps down to the form when it comes up instead of making you scroll through the comments again.
This post is to announce two previously unannounced projects of mine over on Ning. I’ve been working on both for some time, and both could do with some more work certainly. Both are ready to be test-driven though (at least in the fundamentals).
The smaller project is Some Blogs. Some Blogs is a reporting engine for personal blogs, sexblogs, and other less-than-public-material blogs. Inspired by splogspot, this index is NOT for splogs (that’s what splogspot is for). It is for material that most people don’t want to see (when I search for XOXO I want microformats articles, not ‘I luv u Jodi!’ :P).
The other, larger, project which benefits from the first is Littl’uns. The original concept was to be like TechMeme for smaller blogs, however the concept has evolved over time and the meme-engine is currently only an experimental ‘related posts’ link.
Nestled in the code for Littl’uns is BSrch, a meta blogsearch engine.
Anyway, enjoy! Report bugs! Give feedback! 😀
All geeks have their jargon, and the Blogger hacking community is no exception. One of the big words right now is ‘Bleet’ – the Blogger Elite. First coined by Avatar of Bloggeratto, this term is used to describe the best of the best of the Blogger hackers.
Wh!13 7h!5 m4y 83 r3m3n!53n7 0f 1337, 37c, the term seems to be gaining acceptance among non-hackers as well. Then the question becomes — how do we keep track of who’s ‘in’? 😉
Well, elite coders must write elite code. I’d hazard a guess that all Bleet members must be hacking the new Blogger by now, but what else? Who and what? What do you think?
I have created a survey with only three questions: the URL of a Bleet member (in your opinion), your favourite hack by this member, and one quality you think all Bleet should have. Note to the Bleet : do not vote for yourself!
Fill out the survey
Another note to the Bleet : Check out the Blogger Hacks Wrink and add yourself to it and it to your blog. You can use any of the modes (some people dislike webrings, some dislike extra blogrolls, we have options!) What’s the point? Well, right now that wrink is getting more than 500 traffic a week. This means that each week (unless my stats are broken) at least 500 people travel from one Bleet site to another using this widget. Great way for us to share our traffic with each other!