As many of you probably know, I’m back in action! Had taken a sabbatical while our family moved and all that wonderous stuff. I am (mostly) checking my email / feeds regularly now and will be coming online more regularly shortly. I’m registered for all my (college! :O) courses, so that’s cool. We have 3Mbps DSL, which is totally rocking my world 😀 my nice shiny brand-new laptop is having some HD hiccups, so hopefully that’ll be fixed soon. Got a nice linux box up and running. Met Trev… twice! 😀 *watches you all go green with envy* 😉 Had a nice time in Germany. Rode at 110kph on the AutoBahn, hehe. Their tram system over there is totally awesome too. Uhh… not a whole huge bunches else to write I suppose. Life goes on in spite of the trials and God is always faithful 🙂
It seems that another feedreading project is recognising XOXO! According to this post Plagger has, if I understand correctly, added the ability to import subscriptions from an XOXO reading list and also to export that as OPML. Not recognising XOXO enough to provide an export mechanism for it yet, but a step forward nevertheless!
For templates for the new Blogger see the updated post.
Due to some of the feedback I’ve been getting from hack implementors recently I have decided to roll out my own set of templates for Blogger, implementing various and sundry features that different persons have expressed interest in. These templates are all loosely based on the Blogger Minima concept, with some inspiration from my blog also. They have been written from scratch, however, and all have the following features:
So, if you’re looking for a new template, or just want some of these features or some of those that follow, this is for you.
If anyone wants another version of this template created (ie, some combination of the hacks, or for another hack) feel free to contact me. If anyone has any ideas or feedback at all concerning the usefulness of / look of these templates, again, I have an open ear. I would ask that you keep your comments positive. ‘This Sucks!’ is not all that helpful to me, even if that’s how you feel 😉
Notes to advanced users: Hopefully these templates will also be useful to you in examining my code, etc. To remove peek-a-boo from comments or backlinks in any of the above templates, simply remove the onclick handler from the appropriate link. It should also be mentioned that these templates all support both versions of blogger comment permalinks. If you have any questions about the features on these templates I’m just an email/comment away!
Standard RSS is a tool which takes any RSS, ATOM, hAtom, or XOXO Blog Format feed and turns it into a standard RSS 2.0 core. More information is available on the tool’s home page. There is also a YubNub command to go with it.
See this page for a similar hack for the new version of Blogger.
This hack does not work with Blogger BETA.
This is a new, partly experimental, upgrade to my inline comments form. Credit goes to Aditya of The Last Word for inspiring this hack. Comments are posted without ever leaving the post page and then the page is reloaded. You never see the Blogger comment page unless there is an error. The form is still coComment compatible and supports posting using your Blogger account 🙂
- Word verification for comments must be turned off (to do this go to the ‘comments’ tab in your blog settings, scroll to ‘Show word verification for comments?’ and select ‘No’)
- Turn comment posting by anonymous users on (to do this go to the ‘comments’ tab in your blog settings, scroll to ‘Who Can Comment?’ and select ‘Anyone’)
- Insert the following code into the <head> section of your blog template :
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”;
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var comment_form_template = ‘<div class=”comment-poster”>[[AUTHOR]]</div>\n’
+ ‘<div class=”comment-body”><div class=”innerCmntBody”>[[BODY]]</div></div>\n’
+ ‘<div class=”comment-timestamp”><a href=”[[PERMALINK]]” title=”comment permalink”>[[DATE]]</a></div>\n’;
- Insert the following code directly after your <body> tag:
<iframe id=”comment_form_target” name=”comment_form_target” style=”display:none;” onload=”if(comment_form) {check_comment_posted();}”></iframe>
- Replace the <$BlogItemCreate$> tag with the following code:
<div id=”comment_form_preview<$BlogItemNumber$>”></div>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var blogTool = “Blogger”;
var blogURL = “<$BlogURL$>/”;
var blogTitle = “<$BlogTitle$>”;
var postURL = “<$BlogItemPermalinkUrl$>”;
var postTitle = “<BlogItemTitle><$BlogItemTitle$></BlogItemTitle>”;
var commentAuthorFieldName = “anonName”;
var commentAuthorLoggedIn = “false”;
var commentFormID = “cformtag<$BlogItemNumber$>”;
var commentTextFieldName = “postBody”;
var commentButtonName = “post”;
var cocomment_force = false;
<script id=”cocomment-fetchlet” type=”text/javascript” src=” </script>
<ItemPage><a href=”javascript:toggleitem(‘cform’);”>Post a Comment</a>
<div style=”display:block;” id=”cform”></ItemPage>
<MainOrArchivePage><a href=”javascript:toggleitem(‘cform<$BlogItemNumber$>’);”>Post a Comment</a>
<div style=”display:none;” id=”cform<$BlogItemNumber$>”></MainOrArchivePage>
<form target=”comment_form_target” id=”cformtag<$BlogItemNumber$>” action=” onsubmit=”comment_form_submit(this);isSubmit=true;” method=”post”><div>
<input type=”hidden” name=”blogID” value=”<$BlogID$>” />
<input type=”hidden” name=”postID” value=”<$BlogItemNumber$>” />
<h2 class=”sidebar-title form-title”><label class=”cbody”>Leave your comment </label></h2>
<h2 class=”sidebar-title”> You can use some HTML tags, such as <b> <b>, <i>, <a> </b> </h2>
<textarea name=”postBody” class=”comment” rows=”8″ cols=”40″ onkeyup=”comment_form_preview(this.form);”></textarea>
<h2 class=”sidebar-title identity”> Choose an identity </h2>
<input id=”idenBlogger<$BlogItemNumber$>” type=”radio” name=”iden” value=”Blogger” checked=”checked” onchange=”toggleitem(‘cfo<$BlogItemNumber$>’);comment_form_preview(this.form);” />
<label> Your Blogger display name </label>
<input type=”radio” name=”iden” value=”Other” onchange=”toggleitem(‘cfo<$BlogItemNumber$>’);comment_form_preview(this.form);” />
<div style=”display:none;” id=”cfo<$BlogItemNumber$>”>
<table style=”margin-left: 4em;” cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″>
<tr> <td colspan=”2″ style=”padding-top:.4em;position:relative;left:-4em;” align=”left”> These fields are optional, but I would appreciate it if you filled them out. </td></tr>
<tr> <td> <label> Name </label> </td>
<td> <div class=”errorbox-good”> <input type=”text” name=”anonName” value=”” maxlength=”100″ class=”text” /> </div> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> <label> Your web page </label> </td>
<td> <div class=”errorbox-good”> <input type=”text” name=”anonURL” value=”” maxlength=”100″ class=”text” /> </div> </td> </tr>
<div class=”diff-user”> Or you can sign in <a href=”;$BlogID$>%26postID%3D<$BlogItemNumber$>”> as a different user</a>.</div>
<div class=”errorbox-good”> </div>
<p class=”buttons”>
<input style=”margin-right:.3em” name=”post” value=”Publish Your Comment” class=”publish” type=”submit” tabindex=”2″ />
<input value=”Preview” type=”submit” name=”preview” tabindex=”3″ />
- Save your template and republish your blog
Note to advanced users : The variable set in step 3 is the template used by the script to generate previews. You can modify it to be closer to the code generated for comments on your blog so that users get a better preview 🙂 Some may also wish to browse the JavaScript source.