I have a version of this script for the new Blogger as well.
Many people have installed Johan Sundström’s del.icio.us Categoriser Script and reaped the benefits. Some have also used my trackback script to enable outbound trackback inside Blogger. Now the power of these two scripts comes together to benefit everyone!
With Johan’s full approval I have married the two scripts into one categoriser and trackback script. This script is set up in such a way that installing it should overwrite any previous installation of Johan’s script and keep your existing script settings. To find out more about the categorising and pinging functions of the script, please read Johan’s post.
The trackback features work slightly differently than they did in my previous script. On the post-create page there is now a ‘Trackback’ textarea, instead of a form on the ‘post complete’ page. Enter one or more trackback URLs (each on it’s own line in the textarea) to use the trackack feature. After publishing the post your trackbacks will be sent out automatically and the status will be displayed on the ‘post complete’ page. For more information on trackback, go to Wikipedia.
There are also a couple minor new features for the categorising in this release. One is the option to use the first 200 characters of the post body in the extended field on del.icio.us, instead of the datestamp. The ‘Tags:’ label that one clicks to change settings is now blue, and your cursor should change into a hand when hovering it. Also, when republishing your whole blog the link to del.icio.us from your last post will not be displayed.
Install the Greasemonkey Script
For templates for the new Blogger see the updated post.
Due to some of the feedback I’ve been getting from hack implementors recently I have decided to roll out my own set of templates for Blogger, implementing various and sundry features that different persons have expressed interest in. These templates are all loosely based on the Blogger Minima concept, with some inspiration from my blog also. They have been written from scratch, however, and all have the following features:
So, if you’re looking for a new template, or just want some of these features or some of those that follow, this is for you.
If anyone wants another version of this template created (ie, some combination of the hacks, or for another hack) feel free to contact me. If anyone has any ideas or feedback at all concerning the usefulness of / look of these templates, again, I have an open ear. I would ask that you keep your comments positive. ‘This Sucks!’ is not all that helpful to me, even if that’s how you feel 😉
Notes to advanced users: Hopefully these templates will also be useful to you in examining my code, etc. To remove peek-a-boo from comments or backlinks in any of the above templates, simply remove the onclick handler from the appropriate link. It should also be mentioned that these templates all support both versions of blogger comment permalinks. If you have any questions about the features on these templates I’m just an email/comment away!
I have updated my version of FreshTags to include support for asynchronous loading of posts. Now if you add the following code to your template:
<script type=”text/javascript”>var freshtags_tag_format = “drop-add-async”;</script>
Instead of the drop-down box taking you over to the tags post page it will load the posts for the tag combination for you asynchronously in the sidebar.
A nice side-benefit of this is that you may now use all the other FreshTags tag-list types (except custom), including flat, flat-multi, list, list-multi, scroll, drop, and sub. Just put them in the above code where I have ‘drop-add-async’.
You will have to be using the jscripts.ning.com version of my FreshTags implementation for this to work, instead of the old one hosted on AWriterz. The code for the new include (which you can replace the old one with to upgrade) is:
Aditya of The Last Word has made a very useful discovery — the new Blogger RSS feeds are ordered by last update! This means that when you make an edit on an old post, that post is moved to the top of your RSS feed! The use for this immidiately becomes apparent : a widget for showing which posts have been updated recently!
Based off of a quick hack Aditya threw together I have developed some reuseable code to just this end. I have it running asynchronously in my sidebar under the ‘Previous Posts’ heading. When you first load the page (or if you have JavaScript turned off) the normal Blogger-generated ‘Previous Posts’ list is displayed. After the page has loaded, if you have JavaScript on, the list will update to a list of the most recently updated posts.
So, on to the code! There are two versions of this hack : synchronous and asynchronous. If you want it to run synchronously (that is, the page waits for the hack to finish before it continues to render) place the following code where you want the widget to appear:
You can change the 5 to whatever number of posts you want in the list. Save and republish : you’re done!
If you want it to run asynchronously (the page loads before the hack does), insert the following code into your <head> section:
Again, you can change the 5 to whatever number of posts you want in the list. Then, insert the following code where you want the list to display:
<div id=”last_updated_posts”><i>Loading…</i></div>
Save and republish. You’re done!
The whole way this works may just be a bug in the rss.xml generating engine. If it is, this hack will stop working when they fix it, since it is dependant on the order of items in rss.xml.
This hack combines two popular archive hacks with a new functionality in the same script. The two popular hacks included are the displaying of archive post counts in the archive list, and the re-ordering of the archive list. These two can be applied using the script with or without the third, new, functionality with is asyncronous loading of archives into the sidebar. If you don’t know what that means, try it out in my sidebar. Select an archive from the drop-down and notice that instead of being taken to the archive page, the posts in that archive are listed for you right in the sidebar. The steps to implement either part of this hack follow:
- Edit your blog template and add the following code directly after the <body> tag:
<ul class=”xoxo posts” style=”display:none;”>
<Blogger><li><a href=”<$BlogItemPermalinkUrl$>”><BlogItemTitle><$BlogItemTitle$></BlogItemTitle></a></li></Blogger>
Note: if you have your blog marked up using hAtom or the XOXO Blog Format this step is unnecessary.
- Add the following code into your sidebar where you want the archive list to display:
<div id=”archive_list”><i>Loading Archives…</i></div>
<div id=”archive_display”></div>
<ul class=”archive-list”><BloggerArchives>
<li><a href=”<$BlogArchiveURL$>”><$BlogArchiveName$></a></li>
Note to advanced users. The noscript section is necessary. You can edit it, but only if you pass two additional parameters to the function in the next step containing the code starting the list and ending the list.
- Add the following code into your <head> section:
Where format is drop if you want a drop-down archive list or list if you want the archives displayed in an unordered list. sort is true to sort the archive list oldest-to-newest and false to sort newest-to-oldest.
If you want the archive list to link to the archive pages instead of loading in the sidebar then delete the archive_display text from the code above.
- Save your template and republish your blog.
Advanced users may be interested in the information on the scripts behind this.