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Sharing Links / Rich Messaging

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There a fair amount of buzz around messaging sysems, be it microblogging or direct messages.  There is also discussion about broadcast social media (share this with all your friends!).  One use case keeps cropping up for me: sharing content with individuals or ad hoc groups.  I will focus here on sharing links, but much of this applies to any media richer than one raw text blob.

If I want to keep a URL for later – I use bookmarks.  This was de facto for a long time.  Then, one day, someone decided it might be cool if not only they could read that page later, but everyone else could too!  Thus, the birth of social bookmarking.  Today, if I want to share a link with all my contacts I simply bookmark it on my Ma.gnolia, and if they care, they’ll see it.

Then, groups.  If I want to share a URL about copyright issues with the Waterloo Students for the Information Commons, we have a Ma.gnolia group.  Interested parties subscribe, and the stream is also syndicated to the main page of our wiki for general interest.  (Aside: if a discussion with the group is to take place around a link posted there it sometimes happens on our mailing list… I’ve recently begun experimenting with Friendfeed rooms for this.  While commenting on FF in generally seems dumb, in this case many of the shared links have no comments themselves and the commentary would only be interesting to other group members anyway.)

One extension of groups really : ad-hoc groups.  I don’t want to create a new group somewhere and invite everyone who might be interested every time a topic comes up breifly.  It needs to be easy (like, one step, no more than three short fields) and not require people to sign up for anything to contribute/subscribe.  Then it can die out later naturally.  Stronger (more organized) than hashtags, but less formal and permanent than groups.  This is analogous to the cc-everyone chains that develop because people are too lazy to make a small, temporary mailing list.

Alright, now to the big one: point-to-point.  While 1:1 communication is usually not the answer (and this has partially sparked my ideas about ad-hoc groups) – sometimes you just read a page and go “so-and-so would be interested in this”.  This has, in the past, caused me to email URLs to people.  This feels like the wrong solution.  Even Twitter dm doesn’t seem quite suited to this.  First I will describe my ultimate UX, then I will describe what seems to exist today.

I want a button in Firefox (or whatever browser I end up using in the future – Firefox for now) that opens a dialog allowing me to simultaneously save the link into my bookmarks (on Ma.gnolia or wherever), share with an arbitrary number of groups, and with an arbitrary number of contacts.  You can take a peek at my mockup if you like.  This is very different from how, say, Ma.gnolia or Pownce does link sharing.  Note that all of these (my bookmarks, some groups, some contacts) should be optional – I may not want to use all of them each time.  When people send me links this way I want an RSS feed of the links.  If they get emailed to me it is not much better than the original solution.  If they are delivered into some “private message” box we have YAI, and that’s worse.

Tie in to DiSo: wouldn’t it be extra neat if I could type not just, say, Ma.gnolia or Pownce usernames, but could type URLs?  System asks their provider how they prefer to recieve links and then sends it that way.  I really don’t want to make people sign up for whatever service I happen to use.

So what can we use today?  Well, there are a few options.

  1. Emaling/dming/@heyyouing URLs can work – but it’s not ideal for one key reason: there is no simple way to get a “list of recent links”.  I don’t want to go through every recent email or tweet to find a URL.  Some people prefer this because it facilitates discussion around the link somewhat.
  2. Pownce.  Using, say,'%20+%20encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)%20%20+%20'&note_body='%20+%20encodeURIComponent(document.title)%20));">a bookmarklet, one can add links to Pownce and send them to contacts or even “sets” (not-quite-ad-hoc-groups).  The key issues here are that if I also want to bookmark the link (I usually do) I must do that separately with a separate form and bookmarklet.  I must also re-post to Pownce for each contact/set I want to send it to.  There is also the issue that people would have to sign up for yet another social media account in order for me to share links with them – Pownce doesn’t have OpenID support just now.
  3. for: tags.  This is not too bad of a solution if all your contacts are on… and if you use it yourself.  I really need to get that bridge project finished.
  4. Ma.gnolia groups.  This is a hack really, but it’s working for myself and a contact of mine.  We have set up Ma.gnolia groups whose sole purpose is for others to share links with us.  Anyone with an OpenID can just log in and start sharing links with us, which we then get from the groups’ RSS feed.  The problems here are: it’s a hack and sharing with more than one group at a time is still a pain.

Enough from me for now.  Think about it.

For New Blogger : Blogger categorising, pinging, and trackback helper

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JoongSeob Vito Kim has created a version of this script that works with the new blogger post editor.

I have made some minor bug fixes to this script, as well as made it so that it saves the trackback URLs when you save a draft. I took time to fix it, but now my website is back to normal.

Some time ago I married Johan’s and pinging script with my own trackback script into one new script. That script does not work on the new version of Blogger, and the trackback feature has been glitchy for some time. Outgoing trackback is still something we need on the new version of Blogger, and the pinging services provided by this script might even be useful on other blogging services. posting? Now that we have labels? Well, Freshtags, my calendar widget, and just tag management in general, will work better if you use If you disagree, this part of the script is optional.

This script does not overwrite the old script. Running both simultaneously will look dumb on the Blogger Classic interface (there will be duplication), but will not break anything. If you only run on the new Blogger, please remove the old script (if you have it installed).

Install the new script entry

Blogger categorising, pinging, and trackback helper

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I have a version of this script for the new Blogger as well.

Many people have installed Johan Sundström’s Categoriser Script and reaped the benefits. Some have also used my trackback script to enable outbound trackback inside Blogger. Now the power of these two scripts comes together to benefit everyone!

With Johan’s full approval I have married the two scripts into one categoriser and trackback script. This script is set up in such a way that installing it should overwrite any previous installation of Johan’s script and keep your existing script settings. To find out more about the categorising and pinging functions of the script, please read Johan’s post.

The trackback features work slightly differently than they did in my previous script. On the post-create page there is now a ‘Trackback’ textarea, instead of a form on the ‘post complete’ page. Enter one or more trackback URLs (each on it’s own line in the textarea) to use the trackack feature. After publishing the post your trackbacks will be sent out automatically and the status will be displayed on the ‘post complete’ page. For more information on trackback, go to Wikipedia.

There are also a couple minor new features for the categorising in this release. One is the option to use the first 200 characters of the post body in the extended field on, instead of the datestamp. The ‘Tags:’ label that one clicks to change settings is now blue, and your cursor should change into a hand when hovering it. Also, when republishing your whole blog the link to from your last post will not be displayed.

Install the Greasemonkey Script JSONP is Native!

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For quite awhile now, has offered JSON support, but not a proper JSONP implementation. I even wrote my own proxying script to fix this oversight. It seems that that will no longer be necessary. If you pass callback=CALLBACK to a JSON feed it will now output proper JSONP that does not set the Delicious.posts variable (easy to fix in your callback function) but calls CALLBACK with the JSON object as a parameter. Compare these:
There has, as yet, been no official announcement on the blog, so this feature may yet be pulled like some others have, but I hope they will not. Hopefully I will soon be modifying my version of FreshTags to make good use of this native JSONP support.

Commentosphere – Importer and Userscript

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After much trouble and headaches with the speed of the Ning backend, the Commentosphere Delicious Importer is working! Numerous recent updates and optimizations to Ning seem to have greatly increased the speed of the backend, which was what was dragging down the original. I created a test app clone of Commentosphere and successfully imported 70 comments from some test data Johan sent me awhile back to make sure that it really was working this time.

There is also now a Greasemonkey userscript for posting to Commentosphere! Based off of Johan’s commentblogging userscript, it adds a link to all comment post pages on Blogger blogs that links to the Add a Comment form on Commentosphere, already filled in with the necessary information for your new comment. One thing I would like to add to the script is the ability to select parent comments from the comment page, instead of having to get that data manually if you want it. It is still recommended to run with both the userscript and the bookmarklet — for posting comments from non-Blogger blogs.