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CopyCamp Summary

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Some of you may have seen my heightened Twitter activity for CopyCamp, an unconference for discussing issues concerning copyright. Government representatives, artists, and geeks alike spent a day and a half discussing licensing, business models, DRM (TCMs), and many more things. I took some notes, here are some summaries:

Production Tools

Related to how content we distribute should be licensed is the question of what tools / formats are being used in content production. People should be able to use any tools they want without being limited by what tools others / their audience / publishers use. The solution here is, of course, open formats – but open formats must be widespread to be usable. Users should not have to think about what they’re doing, it should transparently work.

Users often honestly don’t know there are options in tools – they just use what they’re given / trained on. While this should be possible to do (see above) education about options and competition is good. Some users are more comfortable going a roundabout way than using the better way / tool – this is fine, but when they encounter new mediums / techniques they should be given the “right” option as much as possible.

Someone can be a brilliant artist unable to afford the tools. Should the ability to do art be a right (ala education)? What about the ability to create documents (such as business plans) that are part of how we function. [I don’t think so, although I am a FLOSS supporter and would like to see more of this, I don’t think the government should be involved.]

Does the value of a piece of art come from the art itself or what you can do with that art? [I think both in all cases.]

Net Neutrality

Phone and cable companies (the major bandwidth providers) build business models based on having a smart network and dumb terminals – the Internet is a dumb network with smart terminals. Do telcos own the network? The government legislated their right to use the land, they just own the copper. The citizens really have as much right to it as the telcos. We can separate production from distribution and not let the telcos have such a monopoly (think deregulation of electricity).

Public Domain Registry

MediaWiki, Creative Commons Canada, and others are working to catalogue ( / host ? ) all Canadian books in the public domain. This is a hard problem since many books do not survive the long life of their copyright. This perhaps should be a federal issue (preserving culture) – but private funding works because the government will not. The “restriction” to Canada does not limit distribution, and so does not limit the uses of the project. It is important to be able to tell what parts of a work are PD (such as poems in a collection) as well as what whole works.

Music Business Models

Fading Ways Music is an indie label whose artists are all CC-BY-NC-SA [somewhat evil, yet so forward thinking]. They primarily use the traditional pay-per-unit business model though.

Jamendo is a site that hosts libre content music and shares ad profits with artists.

Don’t protect the existing models (ie, music tax) – instead come up with / use better models.

The “rights” of the public need to be balanced with the rights of the artist. One model is a take on the “freemium” model where high-quality content requires a fee-based membership (ala 76fanclubs and others). There are benefits, especially to the long tail, of such a model. (OH HAI, BTW, LONG TAIL ALWZ HAPPNS, LIEK ON BLOGZ.) There is a growing desire to remove intermediaries between artists and fans, yet the favourite tools (MySpace / Facebook / really *are* intermediaries (albeit automatic ones), but artists think it’s a pain to update them all and are turning to more layers of indirection again (can haz DiSo?).

Scaling Communications (or, the Right Tool for the job)

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I’ve been interested in different forms of communication for some time.  It’s part of what makes social networking so interesting to me.  I’ve been reading about others’ experiences too.  Of course there’s Tantek’s CommunicationProtocols page, which inspired my own Communication Protocols section on my main page (and, probably, @seanbonner’s PreferedMeansOfContact).  Trevor Creech recently challenged me on my Twitter usage, calling it “Twitterfail” (in reference to efail).  I would like to discuss some of they ways I’ve started thinking about communication.

First, a tip from my own main page: If you find a solution, from me or elsewhere, blog it. Someone else may benefit.  I have come to think of my Twitter and Ma.gnolia accounts as blogs (especially since they began to manifest their updates in the actionstream on my main page).  If I find an interesting tidbit, or have a potentially interesting thought, I tweet it.  This lead, one day, to >20 tweets in 24 hours, the condition which Trevor complained about.  In response, I have tried to consider first if something is really useful at all before I tweet (I don’t want to be the cause of a signal/noise problem) – but I have also started including better context in my tweets.  Interesting links go to Ma.gnolia.

Searchability has become key for me. This is one of the reasons I love my IM setup – everything anyone says to me, whether I’m online or off, at my computer or not, is archived in Gmail for easy search.  My tweets and blog posts are also searchable – in fact, if you just say “singpolyma” or link to me in a blog post, there’s a huge chance that I’ll see it.

When it comes to factors like immediacy, lifespan,  audience, bandwidth, and sychronity they are all important, but are different for different messages.  If I’m setting up a meeting or working on a project, immediacy and bandwidth are hugely important (thus, face to face or IM are best).  If I’m discussing something of interest to me, asychronity, lifespan, and audience are the most important factors (thus, mailing lists, forums, Pibb, and IRC are best).  There is no “perfect” communication form – all have their place.

I have requested that people use post/page comments for debugging/feature requests on my projects.  This is because a comment is almost as good as blogging something (it can be used by others who may benefit) and is searchable.  It also reduces the chances that I get asked for the same thing a bunch of times – others can see what is being discussed (which, incidentally, in the same reason I love GetSatisfaction).  Pages + comments are almost as good as (in fact, in many cases, I feel are better than) a wiki.

ActionStream 0.40 and DiSo Profile 0.25

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I have updated two of my DiSo plugins: Profile and ActionStream.

The profile updates mostly involve some code cleanup, a page here documenting it, and a new API to add permissions options to the permissions page.

The ActionStream update is a bit more extensive:

  • Support for coComment
  • Code cleanup, of course
  • RSS2 output option, linked from the stream output (add &full for a different view)
  • Reportedly working in WP2.5 with a patch I accepted
  • Better Safari support
  • If you disable showing your service usernames they are also hidden in the collapsed items
  • Abitily to set permissions on updates from each service (if wp-diso-profile0.25 is installed)

OAuth and XRDS-Simple in WordPress

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I’m publishing two plugins today.  The first is pretty simple in what it can do for users directly – the XRDS-Simple plugin allows users to delegate their OpenID to their WordPress blog – basically letting you log in on OpenID enabled sites using your blog address, but without needing to run your own provider.

On a far geekier level, the plugin allows other plugins to add XRDS-Simple services and other information (such as OAuth Discovery) using a progammatic API.  A brief example of this API is on the plugin’s page.

I am also releasing a more DiSo related plugin – WP-OAuth.  This plugin enables interacting with WordPress authentication using the open OAuth protocol.  This could be exciting if combined with AtomPub or another protocol / format supported by WordPress or another plugin.

OAuth Discovery

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Take 2! Now enhanced with XRDSs! Eran has blogged about the changes and the initial vendor support.  This plays right into my dream of infinite interop.  I’m quite happy about how small the spec is now that it just rides on XRDSs.  There’s some weirdness (need two XRDs, can have one XRDSs reference another).  Eran has explained his reasoning to me and it makes sense, but I’m still not convinced that it’s necessary.

Anyway, I should roll out a new XRDSs and OAuth DiSo plugin soon with support for draft 2.  And new examples.  There is an alternate PHP class that Eran says will be including support. I will probably use that when it comes out, but I’ll bootstrap with JanRain Yadis and the standard OAuth PHP class for now.