How many profiles do you have? I have one with Blogger, Technorati, Xanga,, and I’m sure others. The problem is that each of these profiles only works within the service it was created for. I also have numerous pages that could be considered my ‘homepage’. So which is my ‘real’ URL? Which should I give out to people? Up until now I have decided that question based on who they were and what service they were with. No more.
Tagalag has solved the problem for me. While this may be one more profile to add to my ever-growing list, this one will let me reference all others. I can integrate all my information and URLs together, and the other features provided by this BETA service is large and growing. They do not reveal any part of your email address unless the person viewing your profile already knows your email address (ie, you have to give the site someone’s address in order to find a version of their profile page containing their address). All information is optional. Someone was thinking here.
It isn’t quite a ‘Universal Profile’, because the information you can store is still locked in to what they provide. But with all the Web 2.0 functionality, including a full external API, the only thing they would have to do would be provide arbitrary fields support to perfectly fit the bill.
My Taglag Profile
Tags: Profiles Tagging Websites Reviews Taglag
I have moved my technical blog from it’s old home on to this new blogger site for multiple reasons. One is that I was growing sick of the uncustomisability of the templates. Another is that recently has been undergoing maintenance and upgrading for the third time since I started with them, and while blogger may not be perfect, it is definately less buggy right now. Here are the URLs for all things as per this new site :
Site URL –
Post Feed –
Comments Feed –
All Tags –
I will slowly be moving all posts from the old site over to this one and backdating them so that the archives work properly, and will be updating the account simultaneously. Some of the posts have already moved, but I am working from oldest to newest so it may be awhile before they’re all there. Yes, I am moving the comments too, which may cause the comments feed to act funny for awhile.
Feedback on this new site design is welcome as I work out the bugs in the move.
Tags: General
I’ve posted some pictures from the Field Day over on my Flickr. As always, since most of you don’t have a Flickr account just post comments here.
Saturday was Palmview‘s Field Day. I participated, as did many other non-Palmview people, but unlike many others I did terrible I am definately not at my physical peak anymore… if I ever was. My best events, throwing and jumping, were total flops for me as I threw all objects at a 45° angle off of the legal area and ran right through the bar for high jump. My athletic abilities aside, I mostly had fun. We had a farewell potluck for a missionary that’s leaving the field (probably permanently), and she’s going to take a letter and the pendant I bought for Chels to France for me to mail them to her. She asked my parents if the’d censored it and Mom was just like ‘we trust our son’, hehe
Week 3 – Day 1 without Chels… and counting. She may not be back until that count reaches week 6… or even 8… I don’t want to think about it. No chat, no email, she can’t even read what I send her… but I don’t send her anything just to keep the temptation away. I think I’m going to start writing and email to her that I don’t send, and I’ll just keep adding to it. Then when she’s ungrounded I’ll send the whole thing. I’d really like to ask for prayer, for both myself and Chels. I miss her a lot, and she must be missing everyone. I’d also like to ask that everyone pray we’ll both be able to concentrate on our schoolwork. I’d really appreciate it
An update on my life over the past weekend. Saturday – Workshop. Sunday – Not much. Today – Chels indefinately grounded.
This saturday Palmview had their second woodworking workshop. For me this meant going and watching everyone else make shelves. Why only watching you ask? Well, enough wood was only relegated for Daniel and myself to share a project, and he had an idea for something he would use. I didn’t. So I let him take all the wood and basically just go and hang out because it is required of me. I had a lot of fun helping Angela (the Symons’ baby sister) walk back and for across the car pit. She would step one foot out onto the board across the pit and then reach out her hand and I would put out my hand and she’d grab one of my fingers. Then she’d walk over. Eventually she decided holding my fingers was cool enough and just dragged me all over the place. ‘Twas a lot of fun.
Not Much
Uh…. ya… got up, went to church, came home, went to the pool, came home, went to church, came home, went to bed. Mostly came home
Chels Indefinately Grounded
Not fun Today Chels’ parents found out how far behind in school she is (approximately three weeks) and indefinately grounded her from having any contact at all with myself, Stef, Trev, et al online. This has had multiple effects. (1) I miss her already, pathetic but true. (2) I am now more scared of her father than ever before. I just hope this all goes well and that I can survive the indefinate period of time… *sigh*