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Archive for the "Plugins" Category

Picoformats for WordPress

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This plugin is totally an experiment inspired in part by @techcrunch, and in part by how useful I have found some of this stuff to be on @Twitter, and also just to see the different ways one can use WordPress. (Update: this plugin seem to only work on WP2.5, so I’ve upgraded.)

If you haven’t guessed already, you soon will. Yes, I’ve implemented @ replies for WordPress. It looks in the local users (usernames and nicknames, like @singpolyma) first, then in the names and descriptions on blogroll links, the it checks if you are trying to use a URL (like and, finally, if none of those yield a result it checks if the string is a valid Twitter username. It produces semantic markup for an @ reply and “person tag”:

<span class="reply vcard tag">@<a class="url fn" href="URL">NICKNAME</a></span>

Then, the plugin sends trackback pings to the URLs, to let the people know you’re talking about them. The plugin also implements trackback receiving on the WordPress main page so that users can receive these pings.

Not to stop so short, the plugin also implements #. What that does should be fairly obvious.

These features work in posts *and* comments.

Download the plugin

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Actionstream 0.45

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I have updated wp-diso-actionstream to 0.45, changes include:

  • Fully tested WP2.5 support
  • Fixes for support
  • Better microformats output

Actionstream 0.35

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I’m updating too fast.  This release brings some improvements to the UI for adding services.  There are also now options to use the plugin as a sidebar widget or with at easy-to-include post/page tag.  This release also brings the recognition of a requirement of PHP5.2.0 or higher (after much debugging with James Kirk).

And, as always, bug fixes!

See the plugin page for more information /download. 

Avatar Plugins

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About time!  I’ve mentioned multiple times that I wanted to turn the logic I use here for user photos on comments into a plugin.  I’ve made two hacks for blogger that do this, after all, why not for WordPress?

My recent work with the DiSo project has caused this interest I had to come back, in the form of two plugins.

Plugin #1 – Avatar from URL

This plugin looks at the comment author’s URL and tries to find a suitable image.  This is primarily done by looking for an hCard, but it will also use other images if no hCard I found.

Plugin #2 – AllAvatars

This plugin is what is now powering comment avatars on this blog.  It detects if you have the gravatars plugin, the avatars from URL plugin, or the favatars plugin installed and tries to use the avatar those plugins would normally give (in the listed priority order) — thus allowing more avatars to display than with any one of these plugins.

It also detects if there is photo data in the user’s profile (such as data imported by my semi-released hCard Import plugin) and overrides any other plugins with that.

Mini-feed Plugin for WordPress

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I have released another now plugin for WordPress!  This one lets you easily generate a Focebook-like “mini-feed” of your doings online to embed on a WordPress page (like it is on my home page).

See the plugin page for more details.