A way to organise our microsphere, if only a little. A compendium of blogger hacks blogs. A social blogroll, which can also double as a blogring. A wrink. I’ve created it and put it in my sidebar, you can see it under the heading ‘Blogger Hacks’. I’ve opted to include it in ‘ring’ mode, which means you get next, previous, and random links that let you navigate the list. Click the title to see the full list, or add your own blog.
If you go to the wrink page you can use the ‘Add Site to Wrink’ link to suggest your site for inclusion on the list. It will be help pending my approval, but I should be monitoring regularly for new entries. Then use either the ‘Get Ring Code’ link and select JavaScript (to add it as you see on my page) or the ‘Get Roll Code’ link (again select JavaScript, this will display the full list as a blogroll) and paste the code into your page.
Weekly traffic stats across the whole list will be monitored, and the whole thing is available in JSON(P) format for custom implementations. Drive traffic to your site while also giving your visitors the ability to find other blogs about blogger hacks!
Feature suggestions and bug reports are, as always, greatly appreciated and anticipated.
I have updated my YubNub LocationBar FireFox Extension. There was a minor glitch that caused typing local IPs (for router setup, etc) to be interpreted as YubNub commands. This has been fixed. I have also added a new feature. If you have any FireFox keyword ‘quick search’ bookmarks defined, these now work, and are considered a higher precedence than YubNub commands. Thus if you have a FireFox keyword bookmark defined for ‘g’ that does something other than Google search, that will be done when you type ‘g blah’ instead of using YubNub’s command.
In response to the popular confusion about XML well-formedness and a recent nudgeing by Greg, I have upgraded Blogger Recent Comments. People who have been there before will note that there is now one less instruction — XML well-formedness is no longer necessary! I have tested this with a Blogger template on which I purposely broke well-formedness and the comments still came through fine! Originally introduced on this blog, Blogger Recent Comments is a Ning app that can automatially generate RSS, JavaScript, and JSON feeds of all comments on your blog. Setup is now just three easy steps!
Rockin’! That’s what’s been going on for the past week and a half. Let me explain…
You see, we’ve been in the United States thathappentobelocatedin America the last week and a bit visiting and then conferencing. Visited Bromans (friends from Chad) in Ohio first for a few days, which was a lot of fun. Oh, on the way down we visited Aunt Ruth (old elementary school teacher from Chad… she’s not old… just we were young when she taught us…) for most of a day too. Got totally lost on the way down (missed our turn off the highway without knowing it… the gas station people told us we were headed the right way… shows what they know :P) By the way here, I have a habit of forgetting things. Not that my memory is bad… I can remember facts and memorise material (if I want to) like it’s nothing… but my residual-style memory is… lacking… Dan’s is better, so you may want to check out his post. Sometimes I tell Dan he’s my secretary, because he remembers so much stuff for me. What will I ever do without him?
Ok, on to more fun stuff. REAP. That stand for… a bunch of garbage. It’s a conference that is 90% mandatory for all TEAM (that’s our mission) have to go to on coming home on furlough (which they now term Home Assignment). The 90% comes from the fact that some people are good at song-and-dance excuses, and they don’t have to go, hehe. For Dad the experiance in the meetings was informative, for Mom is was somewhat boring, for me the Youth sessions were pure brilliance!
This is a milestone for me. If you’ve heard what I’ve said about every other conference of any kind I’ve been to, you’ve heard me berate their Kids/Youth program. I usually go to the adult sessions (for spiritual stuff) and then try to avoid the other when adults are in business. This time there were a few of the adult workshops I wanted to go to — but couldn’t find the time becuase of the really awesome Youth program.
Lots of MKs together in one place is pretty fun by itself, and each and every one of these MKs was totally awesome. Mornings were studies in the life of Daniel and his ‘multicultural’ experiance — followed by discussion in small groups. My group was all girls except me — but we were all college age, so it was cool. *cough* more than cool 😉 Lots of insight and discussion. Then afternoons were all sorts of fun stuff — swimming, mini-golfing, a photo scavenger hunt at the mall. Evenings were ‘tailgate parties’ — without the ballgame or beer 😉 Basically we hung out all night playing games and talking and eating 😀 Lots of fun games — some that I brought back with my to remember for later 😉
Overall it was tons of fun. Way more than I can express here. Now it’s over and while it’s good to be home, I also miss it. Lots of new friends to keep up with by email. One new computer-related project for one of the missionaries. Cool stuff. I’m sure there’s tons more I could say, but for now I just want to say our God is an AWESOME God 😀 I’m settiling in well, adjusting well, a week I dreaded turned out to be one of the best times I’ve had in ages, and Chels’ Dad replied to my apology and forgave me! No, not everything is 100% cool, but God is cool. I feel as though I could never doubt Him again. So much, and so amazing. I know He’s looking out for me and will continue to bless me in the days to come 🙂
I have a version of this script for the new Blogger as well.
Many people have installed Johan Sundström’s del.icio.us Categoriser Script and reaped the benefits. Some have also used my trackback script to enable outbound trackback inside Blogger. Now the power of these two scripts comes together to benefit everyone!
With Johan’s full approval I have married the two scripts into one categoriser and trackback script. This script is set up in such a way that installing it should overwrite any previous installation of Johan’s script and keep your existing script settings. To find out more about the categorising and pinging functions of the script, please read Johan’s post.
The trackback features work slightly differently than they did in my previous script. On the post-create page there is now a ‘Trackback’ textarea, instead of a form on the ‘post complete’ page. Enter one or more trackback URLs (each on it’s own line in the textarea) to use the trackack feature. After publishing the post your trackbacks will be sent out automatically and the status will be displayed on the ‘post complete’ page. For more information on trackback, go to Wikipedia.
There are also a couple minor new features for the categorising in this release. One is the option to use the first 200 characters of the post body in the extended field on del.icio.us, instead of the datestamp. The ‘Tags:’ label that one clicks to change settings is now blue, and your cursor should change into a hand when hovering it. Also, when republishing your whole blog the link to del.icio.us from your last post will not be displayed.
Install the Greasemonkey Script